Paintball game rules

Created: prior to 2018

For 2 plus players:

Gameplay Rules: Capture the Flag:


Divide into at least 2 teams (If you have more than 16 players, consider a third team). Try to split into teams of roughly equal skill level.

Each team gets 1 flag.

Select a base for each team, with 2 teams, you will typically want to place them at opposite ends of the field.

Select a "reincarnation spot" somewhere in the middle.

Decide how many reincarnations each player is allowed, largely depending on how much time is available.


Start each team at the designated points, which are usually marked off on each course. Make sure each team's flag is within reaching distance in the start area.

Ending: The game ends when one team captures the opposing team's flag (if more than 2 teams, when a team loses their flag, they are out of the game until only one team has all the flags.)

Games for 5 plus players

Gameplay Rules: Downed Pilot:


Divide into 2 teams. Try to split into teams of roughly equal skill level. Mark the two teams with arm bands.

From one team, pick one player to be the pilot who has been downed. Mark this player clearly with a coloured mask or third colour band.

Pick 2 starting points a fairly good distance apart from each other for each team to start from.


Give the pilot several minutes to "hide" somewhere in the field. No other players from either team get to see where this player hides.

When the time is up, ring a bell or some other audible signal so the pilot knows the game is going.

The "Downed Pilot" gets 5 minutes before the game starts to hide anywhere in the field he/she wants. When the time is up, Team B gets 5 minutes to hunt him/her down before the rest of Team A is sent in to rescue the pilot before he/she is marked. Team A wins if the "Downed Pilot" makes it out and Team B wins if they mark the pilot.

Additional Information:

Downed Pilot is a game suitable for 5+ players. If your group is rather large, you may wish to have two "Downed Pilots" in the game. The best fields to play this game on are heavily wooded or wooded with lots of cover.


Gameplay Rules: Fox & Hounds:

Preparation: Choose 1 - 3 players (depending on size of group) as the "Foxes". The rest of the players are the "Hounds". Set a game time of about 20 - 30 minutes.

How to Play:

Fox & Hound is similar to the Downed Pilot game. The Fox Team (or player) is given a head start of about 3 - 5 minutes (depending on the size of the field). When the pre-game time limit is up, the Hounds are to go into the field and try to hunt down all the Foxes. The Hounds win if they are successful at hunting down all of the Foxes. The Foxes win if they can eliminate all of the Hounds OR if there are any Foxes alive at the end of the game.

Additional Information:

The Fox & Hound game is best when played with 5+ players. Remember designating the most experienced players as the Foxes will make the game more fun and challenging!

Games for 6 plus players

Gameplay Rules: Round Up:

Preparation: The Round Up game requires the group to bring 5 - 10 recoverable items to the field. These can be things like backpacks, boxes, or even metal army surplus ammo boxes (seen to the right). Have a player who will be sitting out this game to scatter these boxes around the field you will be playing on. Divide the group into two even teams, Team A and Team B.

How to Play:

Teams start at opposite ends of the field, and their goal is to recover the items that were previously scattered about. After a player finds an item in the field, he/she needs to bring it back to their team's starting point. The team that can gather all the items first wins. Remember, if you seem to be short a few items, you may need to recover what the opposing team has found and returned to their start point!

Additional Information:

Round Up is a game that works well with 6+ players. We have found that painting old military ammo boxes white, which can be bought from any military surplus store, is the best object to use for the hidden items. Furthermore, the ammo boxes are waterproof, so you can add to the game by filling them with extra paintballs, grenades, a few drinks, or anything else you can think of that a team could use mid game!


Gameplay Rules: Centre Flag:


Divide your group up into two even teams. Select one flag for both .teams.

How to Play:

Place the flag as close to the middle of the field as possible. Start each team at opposite ends of the field (these starting points are marked off on most courses). To win the game, a team must capture the flag from the middle and take it to the opposite team's starting point!

Additional Information:

Center Flag is best when played with 6+ players. To add some interest to the game by using different objects for the flag, such as a suitcase, or a piñata hanging from a tree!

Gameplay Rules: Attack / Defend:


Divide your group up into two even teams, which we will call Team A and Team B. Designate two starting points at opposite ends of the field. Select a flag for Team A and set a game time limit of 10 - 30 minutes.

How to Play:

Attack/Defend is similar to Capture the Flag, except there is only one flag involved. Team A starts with possession of the flag at their starting point. Team B must try to retrieve the flag, and bring it to a designated area, or to their own starting point (whatever is agreed upon at the beginning of the game) to win. If Team A can keep possession of the flag throughout the game, they win.

Additional Information:

Attack/Defend works best with 6+ players and can be played indoors or outdoors, as long as both teams have adequate cover. The game is most successful if the "defending" team has a bunker, or small building to use as the flag base.

Game for 10 plus players

Gameplay Rules: Civil War / One Shot:


Divide your group up into two equal sized teams. Remove all bulk loaders (hoppers) from everyone's gun (Ask your paintball field owner if they will allow this!!). This means players must load each paintball into the chamber of the gun one at a time. Allow each player to take 20 paintballs with them onto the field. To begin, have each team form a straight line facing each other on opposite ends of the field .

How to Play:

Once both teams are in position, have one person signal the start of the game by blowing a whistle, lowering a flag, or any other means. The object of the game is for both teams to walk slowly towards each other, marking as many players on the opposite team as possible, while maintaining their own straight line. The team with the last players standing is the winner.

Additional Information:

Civil War/One Shot is best with 10+ players and in a clear opening with no obstructions between the teams. Authenticity can be added to the game by having players remain on the ground where they get hit for the duration of the game.

I first saw Civil War/One Shot played at Capture the Flag in Cochrane. A group of about 20 players were playing the game in an adjacent field from mine. I ended up being shot four times in the back due to me laughing so hard, and not being able to take my eyes off their game. It looked like great fun, and hopefully I will get a chance to try it myself soon. - Telnets
