Bad UX (3): Examples (and sometimes rants) about bad User Experience, UX and UI.
Bible (4): Thoughts and insights from my reading of the Holy Bible of God
Bible Old Testament Theology (17): These are my ideas and thoughts. I hope they are mostly correct. But please only consider them "Peter's current ideas".
Personal House #3 (4): Our (Jan and my) 3rd house, the house I built near Balzac and we moved into in 1999, Alberta, Canada
Personal House #4 (3): Symon's Valley (2): Our (Jan and my) 4th house, the 20 minutes North of Calgary on Symon's Valley Road
Personal Misc (14): Just a whole bunch of personal stuff I have not categorized in any better way.
Photographic (16): As as professional photographer for a decade and avid hobbyist for decades, I hope these comments will help some others.
Photos (10): Pages that exist simply to show a photo
Product Reviews (15): A few of my highly biased product reviews through the years. Very few are 'complete' reviews, many just talk about one positive feature or flaw.
Raspberry Pi (1): "The" small, popular, low cost computer