Created: 1995.08.08 | Last updated: 2012.12.14
Peter's Current corporate ownership and involvement (last updated 2012)
See also the "What New Company" link on the side, for ones I'm working on.
As always, working on a couple ideas, some that I can and will finance and a couple where if I can get financing in various ranges. Details withheld without NDA, but if you, or a group of you are interested in investing in someone who has a string of successes - then take a look at the What New Companies page and then, if still interested, talk to me.
Maintenance Connection Canada (it is the DBA, doing business as, name since mid 2004 for APS: Asset Pro Solutions Inc.) Experts in Asset Management for both Government and Private organizations. I started this company with another gentleman in 2003. In 2004 we acquired the Trademark "Maintenance Connection" in Canada and we have been working very closely with Maintenance Connection Inc. in the USA ever since. We released a product in 2003 that provided 'off line mobile' which has become 'Maintenance Connection Everywhere', and another product to provide high end user management, SSO and other features, initially it was called LoginHub, but Maintenance Connection Inc. asked us to name all our products starting with "Maintenance Connection" so we now call it it "Maintenance Connection LoginHub". We also have a tool for smart importation of data called "Maintenance Connection DataHub."
I expect this will be my 'main' company for at least another decade.
##So what does it do?
HCS & Madman Industries Inc. Business/Computer Consulting/Lectures, specializing in enterprise web based solutions - applications for the web. Technical vetting for VC's looking at computer technology based startups. Excellence in the business processes and work with/manage the artistic people to blend the look and feel And yes...I do personally all the look and feel of "this" web site so you can't blame the people I hire for other web sites.
Photos By Madman - A premium photographic service for families, pets, weddings, magazines and corporations. Specializing in natural style family (including weddings) and pet photography, along with the occasional commercial/magazine work. Photos by Madman Photography started for me as a hobby more than 3.5 decades ago and grew into a love. I have been fortunate to have the time available to run a photo business on a part time basis and provide the highest quality work for families, magazines and corporations. Depending on the purpose of the final product I shoot with a variety of equipment ranging from Digital to Omega 4x6 (ie each picture is on a negative or transparency 4"x6" - great for wall sized enlargements!) Currently accepting a limited number of new clients. I accept projects based on my time availability - I admit - this company is just plain downright fun! I love to do challenging projects and unique weddings (on a glacier was a favorite)
I also sit on several boards/committees:
All the above board positions are 'unpaid' voluntary positions.
From time to time when I have told people my current list of projects, someone will ask me jokingly "Is that all?". I replied (honestly) well, actually, no! But none of these are appropriate to broadcast publicly right now so... when appropriate, one or more will show up above. If you choose to start a company with me you will get more advanced information. If you are interested in advice on investing and/or you are interested in how I am investing my money, check out: Investment opportunities - now and future Please note that, in general, if you want to partner with me, you need to talk to me about the opportunities that are not on this list. By the time they make "this" list, there is almost never a chance for additional partners to be involved.