Created: 2023.07.14
So I have this can of bear spray that I found that has a 'use by' date that is 6 weeks from now.
It says: Use by And it says: Wait until the bear is within ten yards (30 feet), aim slightly downward to allow for recoil, then discharge the full contents of the can. And it says: Do not use in any other way or for any other purpose.
So I guess I have to go to the USA (we legally don't use feet/yards anymore in Canada), find or bait a bear, wait until it is within 10 yards, then spray it!
Now consider the cans of bear spray in Canada, and let's ignore the 'use by' instruction issue.
They say essentially the same thing, except they would say "wait until the bear is within 9.1 meters", they of course, like all so called safety stuff in Canada, do NOT print how many yards or feet that is.
So the average Canadian, seeing a bear, pulls it out - and of course they have forgotten the instructions so they, really, no joking, are quickly trying to read the instructions, and they get to this stupid Trudeau/Liberal part where it says 9.1 meters (or 9 meters), and cry out in frustration: How far is 9 meters? Now joking: The bear replies: 10 feet, but you are too late, I'm 3 feet from you and I've got you.
Again … if SAFETY was the REAL motive, then the safety standards would say something like "9 meters (10 yards, 30 feet)" so that the very small number of people who understand at a gut level metric would read and know the "9 meters" part, and the majority of Canadians would read 10 yards or 30 feet and at a gut level know about how far that is.
In an emergency - having measurements in a system you don't think in - be it metric or be in English is NOT safety. Anyone in Canada who says they care about safety and then give the safety instructions only in metric - does NOT care at ALL about safety, all they care about is political partisanship of the Liberal persuasion.