Created: 2024.02.29
I saw an article today about how a class action lawsuit against Amazon is essentially saying "Amazon misleads people. They have 'Amazon Recommends' items presented in response to your search." They are complaining because they aren't always the lowest price for that item.
I was shocked. I guess because when I was 6 years old I resolved a huge problem in my mind by realizing "Adults Lie".
As a result, I was never fooled by those listings. I always just thought EVERYONE assumed (probably correctly) that "Amazon Recommends" are the items that match your search that give Amazon the most money.
I don't understand a lawsuit over it. It seems to be that every intelligent person should at least consider the possibility that Amazon has it's own interests foremost. That you should at least do some checking if you care about price to see if that is the best deal - like look a few inches down in the search results and notice others that match that are a better price.
I guess the average person assumes that 'Amazon recommends' has the same meaning as 'Consumer Reports org recommends' or 'I don't make a dime from my suggestions, I recommend product x because ...'