Created: 2020.06.29
updated automatically whenever we make any update to the site
The conversions on this page were calculated as of: 2025.01.24. When looking at these values, realize you will be charged a premium to do the transaction, for example you may typically be charged between 3 and 10%. So for example, if the exchange rate for USD --> CDN is 1.30, For every 100 USD you give the bank, you may only get $117 CDN (10%) instead of the 130 CDN you expected. Or, if the commission is only 3%, and you give the bank $130CDN, you might only get $97 USD instead of the $100 USD you were expecting. Depending on how you move the money, there may be flat fees as well, for example, a $50USD or $100USD per transaction is not unheard of, which makes your $97 USD from $130CDN only $47 (or you have to pay, if the fee is $100, $230 to get $97 in USD.)
Worse yet, if you work in 2 currencies that are not the USD or EURO, you can often expect to pay for TWO exchange rate fees - one to convert to USD and one to convert USD to the target currency.
The moral of the story: Whenever possible
and then as a test $0.50CAD ($0.37USD, ₡214CRC) that is fifty cents converted to usd and colones