What is Central America; Trudeau Liberal Science or True science?

Created: 2022.02.10

OK, I admit, this article is a bit of fun, taking pot shots at the ridiculous "it's the science stupid" type statements by Canada's prime minister Justin Trudeau. But … you might find my option for consideration based on 'the science' at least interesting compared to the standard 7 countries, and the many other definitions people have confidently told me through the years. I hope you enjoy. I've asked various people through the years "What is Central America". Here are some of the more common answers I've received: -Mexico, and all the rest of the countries that aren't in South or "North America."

  • All those 'little' Spanish countries south of the USA and North of Columbia. When shown a map, they said they didn't realize that MOST of the counties they were referring to as Central America were WEST of Columbia, not North! When shown that Belize is an English country, they drop the "Spanish" part of their definition, and include Belize.

Most people exclude all the island countries like Jamaica, Haiti, Puerto Rico and so on.

Most people INCLUDE Guatemala and Belize if they are looking at a map.

Most people exclude Mexico when they look at a map and realize how large and "North" it is.

When asked "What is North America"

  • people will always answer "America" or "United States of America". The former not realizing that every country in South, Central and North America are "America" and not realizing how many people from the dozens of countries in the Americas call themselves "American"; the latter ignorant of how BIG North America is compared to the USA.
  • Some "Americans" (The USA types), in particular those who know it exists, will add Canada (so all Canadians add Canada) to the definition of North America
  • A few people will add Mexico. Especially if they know about the North American Trade agreements. Or if they bother to look at a map before answering.
  • Almost no one includes ANY of the other up to 38 other (total 41 with Canada, USA and Mexico) countries and dependencies that are considered by most official sources as "North America".

Getting back to the definition of Central America:

  • Some will include JUST Panama because it is "the country in the middle", i.e., 'the center". Not an unreasonable argument in my opinion! And besides, it has the canal that splits the North from the South.
  • Some will include Costa Rica, but many say no, the island of Costa Rica is not part of central America; but we can safely ignore their basis for deciding … since Costa Rica is not and never has been "an Island" … though it does have a few small islands.
  • The WorldAtlas claims, with no apologies or justification: Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador and Belize, "The isthmus that connects the rest of South America to North America. Wikipedia agrees, so this must be the definitive political answer.

But lately, government's have been more and more saying that things should be done based on science - and of course, if you disagree with "their" conclusion of what science says, then you are an idiot, a fool a radical "the right" or a traitor.

Things like the global ice age (1970) then global warming then Climate change, have all been, they say, 'proven' by the science, and the fact that facts later show each wrong is irrelevant for the then current politically correct opinion holders (and they ignore that "the science" apparently was wrong over and over again), or "the science" that made ALL the decisions on how to respond to COVID-19 (so that leaders like Justin Trudeau could excuse all his decisions and so he could ridicule and insult anyone who disagreed with his interpretation of what science was whispering to him in his bedroom that week.

So I have decided for this article, to ignore the "correct" definition according to the politicians and look at what "the science" says …

I think the following is a reasonable, geology based, and intriguing, basis on which to decide what is Central America as opposed to North and South America:

Map of Central America You can see that Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama and El Salvador are in Central America, along with Jamaica, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and several other islands. Part of Venezuela is on the Central America tectonic plate.

While North America is Belize, Guatemala, Mexico, USA, Canada, Cuba and several dozen other countries.

So I think it is fair to clearly state that Mexico is NOT part of Central America, it is clearly part of NORTH America.

Now If I was Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, I would arrogantly say "The science says…." and then I would ridicule anyone who disagrees with MY definition of Central America. But I'm not nearly as arrogant as Trudeau - and I'm willing to admit that my opinion is based on only ONE scientific precept - and it is a basis, science does NOT prescribe the way Trudeau thinks it does, and my definition ignores political realities in favor of a single Science based approach.

Unlike Trudeau, I actually gave you THE SCIENCE that I used for my conclusion and why I am suggesting the science tells me what I said, instead of arrogantly just saying "THE SCIENCE" while giving you nothing that shows WHY the scientific data demands that I do things like have random testing, and then punish those that were chosen for the random testing by forcing only the random selected people to quarantine (2021 and 2022). How he thinks ANY science told him that in his bedroom or grade 6 drama room, I have no idea.

So, I think there is room for a difference of opinion on what is "Central America", but maybe you'll like my tectonic plate argument for which to include, or maybe you'll want to limit it to only one, two or a few countries starting with Panama and working to the West and North West until you think you've gone far enough.

But if you want to go with the current "political" definition of Central America, then you better ignore my 'scientific' definition, and just go with the isthmus countries between Mexico and Columbia and ignore all the island countries. You'll add Belize and Guatemala to my list, and delete all the islands.

But it was fun looking at what TRUE science "says", as opposed to "Trudeau Liberal science" (Tru-doh? science) would say.